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Overview of the results from the Epi Aid, “Assessing the Walkability of the US Virgin Islands 2016”

Day 1 – Tuesday, June 13, 2017 @ 10:15 a.m.


Emily Ussery, PhD, MPH, is an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Officer assigned to the Physical Activity and Health Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. In this role, she supports the analysis and dissemination of national physical activity surveillance data. Dr. Ussery holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Boston College,      and an MPH and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Texas, School of Public Health in Austin. Together with John Omura and colleagues at the USVI Department of Health, she helped lead the USVI Walkability Assessment in May 2016



John Omura is a family physician and preventive medicine specialist with a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard  University. He is a graduate of the Epidemic Intelligence Service and currently works as a Medical Officer with the CDC’s Physical Activity and Health Branch. Dr. Omura’s research interests include surveillance of physical activity; physical activity promotion within health systems; as well as community-level strategies for promoting physical activity.

Peer panel presentation, “Kauai Active Transportation Efforts”

Day 1 – June 13, 2017 @ 3:45pm



Bev Brody is the Director of Get Fit Kauai; the Healthy Eating Active Living Community Coalition of Kauai County, a program of the Hawaii Public Health Institute.  Bev oversees 4 community task forces and 3 subcommittees. Through its Built Environment and Safe Routes to School Task Forces, Get Fit Kaua‘i has led successful advocacy efforts for three major policy changes, including a county Complete Streets resolution, a county ordinance change to the subdivision code that requires sidewalks and shorter block lengths, and a statewide Safe Routes to School Bill that allocates funding from speeding traffic violations to counties for Safe Routes to School efforts.


Michael Moule – Division Chief, Engineering, Division of Public Works



Lyle Tabata – County Engineer, County of Kauai, Division of Public Works

The USVI Walkability Institute is made possible through a partnership with TEPHINET, a program of The Task Force for Global Health (TFGH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the USVI Department of Health (USVIDOH). Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Task Force for Global Health, Inc., TEPHINET, or the CDC.

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