If you didn't know it by now, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control devices (MUTCD) is a federal regulatory document that dictates the design of every single street in the U.S. It is deeply, inherently flawed, dated, and ultimately downright dangerous. It stands in the way of equitable, safe, accessible, sustainable, people-first communities.
It’s being updated and we’ve called on you to submit comments about the proposed update - to tell Transportation Secretary Buttigieg why you think changing the manual is critical. And you’ve delivered! We've featured some of our favorite and most impassioned, powerful and persuasive submissions from you in this blog.
You and we are not alone - we’re part of a broad coalition of great organizations and grassroots advocates working for transformative change.
The amount and intensity of personal stories we received and have heard around this issue affirms just how desperately change is needed. We have fourteen days to get in even more comments - so please spread the word and let's take back our streets.